Xiaomi Vela Open Source System Officially Released

November 17, 2023

During the Xiaomi IoT Ecological Partner Conference this morning in 2023, Xiaomi announced the open-sourcing of the Vela system, following the Apache 2.0 open-source license.

In the subsequent presentation, Xiaomi showcased some technical highlights of the Vela open-source system, which Gizcoupon has summarized as follows:

Xiaomi Vela

To start, Vela will independently open-source itself and will continually integrate certain features of the HyperOS. Furthermore, Vela has been designed to adapt to various hardware specifications, demanding only a minimum system of 8KB of memory, with no restrictions on CPU frequency. It can adapt to any SoC multi-core architecture and supports flexible deployment.

Xiaomi Vela

Additionally, the Vela open-source system supports the Vela Interconnect Framework, similar to Hyper Connect, enabling seamless integration into the Xiaomi IoT ecosystem.

Vela also supports lightweight on-device AI large models and a lightweight container solution, addressing MCU security concerns through triple isolation.

Xiaomi Vela

In terms of applications, Vela supports a cross-platform rapid application framework, allowing development for multiple devices with a single development effort. Xiaomi has also enhanced rendering capabilities for smoother application animations.

For development and debugging, Vela provides comprehensive debugging and performance analysis tools, with official comparisons made to other embedded systems.

In the concluding remarks, Xiaomi officially announced the opening of the Vela Global Partner Program, with the initial batch of manufacturers having completed the basic adaptation.

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