Alien Corpses on Display in Mexican Congress, DNA Contains!

September 15, 2023

The Mexican Congress conducted a hearing where Jaime Maussan, a self-proclaimed “UFO expert” and former Mexican journalist, shared his findings. During this event, Mozambique presented two “alien corpses” discovered in Peru, raising questions about the existence of extraterrestrial life.

Alien Corpses

These two corpses, measuring about 60 centimeters tall with three fingers and large heads, were examined by scientists from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Their analysis suggested that these “alien” bodies were over 1,000 years old. Remarkably, one-third of the DNA tests on these specimens yielded “unknown” results, further fueling suspicions of their inhuman origin.

Alien Corpses

Dr. José de Jesús Zalce Benítez, the forensic doctor, X-rayed and reconstructed alien corpses. He found no link to humans. However, the striking resemblance of these alien corpses to those in early alien movies sparked skepticism about the incident’s authenticity. On day two of the hearing, Julieta Fierro, a researcher at Mexico’s National Autonomous University’s Institute of Astronomy, questioned Moissan’s findings. She pointed out concerns with using only X-ray results to identify a corpse as “non-human” and recommended more advanced tests.

Fierro discovered bodies in a Peruvian diatom mine. He suspected the mystery DNA might originate from diatoms or bacteria within the bodies, not the bodies themselves. Jaime Maussan previously claimed to find an “alien mummy” near Nazca in 2015. Later, it was proven to be a human child’s remains. The current “alien mummies” at the hearing also have similar features like three-fingered hands and elongated skulls, linked to South American religious rituals.

Alien Corpses

The recent claims about aliens have led many to question whether aliens truly resemble humans. Andrew Simien, director of the SETI Center at the University of California, Berkeley, believes that if aliens exist, they would likely differ significantly from humans due to the unique evolutionary history on Earth. The Earth’s environment has shaped human appearances over billions of years, but in different environments, “aliens” might evolve quite differently.

This alien incident could just be another spectacle. Remember, the universe is vast, and the chance of us being the only intelligent beings is slim. As Carl Sagan said, “It would be a waste of space if we were alone.” But direct encounters with aliens are unlikely due to the vastness of the universe, so signal communication is a remarkable stroke of cosmic luck.

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