On August 28, the launch of Realme Buds T300 is scheduled. It features a battery life of up to 40 hours, showing a 42% increase compared to its predecessor. With a single full charge, the headset offers 8 hours of music playback and 4 hours of call time. Realme Buds T300 introduces support for flash charging technology. Simultaneously flash-charge the earphone case and earbuds for 10 minutes to enable 7 hours of continuous music playback. Alternatively, a 10-minute charge for the earbuds within the case allows for 4 hours of music playback.
In terms of noise reduction, Realme Buds T300 offers 30dB of active noise reduction and a four-microphone deep call noise reduction system. This feature ensures clear voice call quality even in noisy surroundings. Realme Buds T300 features a 12.4mm titanium-plated dynamic coil. This improves the sound quality with a wide soundstage, strong bass, and clear mid-to-high tones. It creates a live music-like experience. The earbuds support 3D spatial sound effects for a surround sound experience.
It has improved in five key dimensions: noise reduction, latency, sound quality, battery life, and call performance. They have set the price of Buds T300 at 199 yuan ($27.30).
The pre-sale of these earphone models starts from 18:30 on August 28th, with the official launch at 10:00 on September 4th across all sales channels.
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