
Kukirin C1 Pro Electric Scooter


The Kukirin C1 Pro Electric Scooter features a 25Ah power lithium battery, which provides a travel range of up to 100 kilometers on a single charge. This extended battery life is a notable advantage for riders looking for a scooter that can cover longer distances without the need for frequent recharging.


With a 500W motor, this scooter can reach speeds of up to 45 kilometers per hour, offering a faster commuting option. Additionally, it’s capable of handling inclines of up to 15 degrees, making it suitable for varied terrains.


The scooter comes with 14*2.5-inch pneumatic tires that absorb shocks and provide a smoother ride, enhancing overall rider comfort, especially on uneven surfaces.


The Kukirin C1 Pro Electric Scooter includes solid wood non-slip pedals designed for comfort during extended rides. These pedals offer a secure footing, potentially reducing rider fatigue during longer journeys.

For ease of transportation and storage, the scooter has a one-touch folding mechanism. This design simplifies the process of folding and unfolding the scooter, making it more convenient for users.


In summary, the Kukirin C1 Pro Electric Scooter offers a range of features that cater to the needs of riders seeking extended battery life, higher speeds, comfort, and convenience. It’s important for potential buyers to consider their specific requirements and how these features align with their intended use of the scooter.

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