Apple is gearing up for the release of a next-generation smartwatch, the Apple Watch X, slated for 2024. This forthcoming device is set to showcase a fresh aesthetic and incorporate two novel functionalities: monitoring sleep apnea and tracking blood glucose levels.
Experts suggest that the Apple Watch X might incorporate a Micro-LED display, with size options of 1.89 inches and 2.04 inches. Notably, the connector design is transforming, rendering it incompatible with the straps designed for earlier watch series.
Health monitoring takes center stage in this new device, with a focus on “sleep apnea monitoring” and “blood glucose monitoring,” as highlighted by Gurman. Leveraging multiple in-built sensors, the watch can detect signs of sleep apnea, a condition that can lead to life-threatening suffocation during sleep. The “blood glucose monitoring” function utilizes a short-wave infrared sensor within the watch to measure the sugar levels in the wearer’s bloodstream.
Contrary to Gurman’s insights, Ming-Chi Kuo’s October “Market Estimate Brief” posits that the Apple Watch X will not incorporate blood glucose monitoring. Looking ahead, TrendForce anticipates Apple’s introduction of a Micro-LED screen for the Apple Watch Ultra in 2026, coupled with a 10% increase in size.
The imminent launch of the redesigned Apple Watch X has generated considerable interest, promising to catalyze further growth in the smartwatch market. As technological advancements persist, the future of smart wearables holds the promise of even more astonishing features and designs.