Apple plans to launch the iPhone 16 Pro model next year, featuring a Tetraprism design. LG Innotek and Jahwa Electronics are the main suppliers of this technology. Korean media reports indicate that LG Innotek will become the leading player in Apple’s supply chain, boasting a current supply ratio of 60-70%, whereas Jahwa Electronics holds a share of 30-40%.
In the production of the iPhone 15 Pro Max this year, Apple determined that LG Innotek exhibited a higher yield rate and delivered more stable Tetraprism than Jahwa Electronics. Consequently, for the upcoming production process, Apple plans to increase its order proportion with LG Innotek.
Furthermore, LG Innotek is actively developing ball guide actuator technology, offering advantages such as faster operation, enhanced precision, and lower battery consumption compared to spring-type actuators. While Apple maintains its collaboration with LG Innotek, it continues to invest in Jahwa Electronics to address future product requirements. They expect their partnership to advance and stabilize technology in lens modules, thereby propelling the evolution of smartphone photography.
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