The AnTuTu car version performance list was recently unveiled, placing the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8295 chip at the forefront among other smart cockpit chips. With an impressive score of 963,130 points, the Snapdragon 8295 significantly outperforms its counterparts. Following closely is the Snapdragon 8255 chip, albeit with some skepticism, securing the second position with a score of 724,844 points. The Rockchip-released rk3588m_car chip comes in third, boasting 576,659 points, while the Dragon Eagle One claims the fourth spot.
Compared to the AnTuTu car version Beta 1 list from August this year, the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8295 has experienced a substantial increase of nearly 300,000 points. Simultaneously, the Snapdragon 8155 has seen an uptick of about 100,000 points. Notably, this improvement follows the resolution of GPU compatibility issues, resulting in significant score enhancements across all platforms.
However, it is crucial to recognize that not all chips exhibit similar performance levels, as evidenced by the UIS7862A chip, which has experienced a decline in performance.
A noteworthy highlight is that the Snapdragon 8295 stands as Qualcomm’s fourth-generation cockpit chip, utilizing a cutting-edge 5nm process. Boasting a formidable 30TOPS in AI computing power, the chip demonstrates substantial advancements in overall performance and 3D rendering capabilities. Additionally, it incorporates features such as an integrated electronic rearview mirror, machine learning vision (rear and surround view), passenger monitoring, and information security functions. Impressively, the chip can support up to 11 screens simultaneously.
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