Recently, the Honor 100 and Honor 100 Pro made an appearance on the Geekbench benchmark database. The Snapdragon 7 Gen 3 and Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 processors equip them. Honor officially announced the release of these phones on November 23. The Geekbench benchmark database has listed the models (MAA-AN00 and MAA-AN10).
The Honor 100 model, coded as “MAA-AN00” with the motherboard code “Crow,” indicates it features the Qualcomm Snapdragon 7 Gen 3 processor. The device operates at a clock speed of 2.63GHz, running on the Android 13 system, and is equipped with 16GB RAM. In benchmark tests, the Honor 100 scored 1139 in single-core and 3375 in multi-core performance.
On the other hand, the Honor 100 Pro model, coded as “MAA-AN10” with the motherboard code “kalama,” features the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen2 processor. The device operates at a clock speed of 3.19 GHz, runs on the Android 13 system, and also comes with 16GB RAM. In benchmark tests, the Honor 100 Pro scored 1882 in single-core and 4923 in multi-core performance.
Additionally, leaked information suggests that the Honor 100 series offers two rear camera module designs: one with a semi-circular layout and another with an irregular elliptical layout. Furthermore, promotional images reveal a cotton-like texture on the white back cover and a matte finish with a suede-like design on the purple variant.
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