
Apple to Integrate RCS into iMessage: Bridging the Messaging Gap

After years of lobbying by Google, and under increasing pressure from users and the media, Apple has finally confirmed to the press that it will adopt and support the Rich Communication Services (RCS) standard next year. This standard, published by the GSM Association, promises a better interoperability experience. In recent years, the green chat bubbles on Apple devices have been a source of anxiety for many. On Apple devices, blue chat bubbles indicate that both parties are using Apple devices, while green bubbles indicate that the other person is using a non-Apple device. This has led to some users on Apple devices being unable to enjoy the full range of communication features in iMessage, and even facing difficulties in sharing high-quality images and participating in group chats.

Apple Confirms Support for RCS Standard


RCS, an international standard, empowers telecom operators to establish messaging platforms, defining the next generation of messaging services. In this paradigm, “messages are the platform, users are the customers, and phones are the applications.” 5G messaging provides support for users to engage in diverse rich media messages like text, images, audio/video, group chats, file transfers, and content sharing during calls, with the native messaging button on smartphones serving as the entry point. Moreover, the messaging window facilitates a comprehensive business experience by incorporating features such as search, interaction, sharing, and payments.

RCS: Beyond SMS and MMS

However, this change may not immediately solve all user problems. Many people deeply ingrained their habits of using SMS and MMS in many cases, and it may take some time for them to widely accept the features and advantages of RCS. Additionally, for some users, the security and privacy of iMessage may still be important considerations.

In its statement, Apple mentioned that RCS will replace the existing SMS and MMS standards, while iMessage will continue to be the default communication method for iPhone-to-iPhone communication. This means that Apple will provide users with a more diverse range of communication methods while ensuring the security and privacy of messages.

As RCS gains promotion and adoption, we anticipate witnessing more users actively enjoying a broader array of communication methods. Telecom operators and developers are expected to utilize this standard to create a variety of messaging service platforms, offering users a higher-quality communication experience.

However, to truly address the issue of green chat bubbles, it requires a collaborative effort from the entire ecosystem, telecom operators, and developers. We can declare the thorough resolution of this issue only when users genuinely enjoy the advantages of RCS and adapt to the changes it brings.

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