
Apple Applies For The Vision Pro Trademark in China, Which Was Previously Registered by Huawei

On June 12th, Gizcoupon reported that Apple recently applied for the registration of the “Vision Pro” trademark and the “Apple Vision” trademark in China. These trademarks cover various international classes, including website services, communication services, and scientific instruments. However, Apple seems to have difficulty obtaining this trademark.

Apple trademark

As previously reported by Gizcoupon, Huawei successfully registered the “Vision Pro” trademark on May 16th, 2019. The exclusive rights to this trademark are valid for a period of 10 years. The specific period is from November 28, 2021 to November 27, 2031. The trademark falls under international class 9. It encompasses products and services such as LCD televisions, head-mounted virtual reality devices, and wireless equipment. This means that Apple’s use of the name “Vision Pro” in China may constitute infringement.

It is worth noting that Huawei’s registration of the Vision Pro trademark was not specifically targeted at Apple. This trademark is associated with their own product line. Huawei has already released two products associated with the “Vision” brand. They are Huawei Vision Glass smart viewing glasses and the Huawei Vision smart screen series. It is possible that Huawei reserved Vision Pro in advance as a name for its smart screen series.

Furthermore, It is worth mentioning that the trademark “Apple Vision” for scientific instruments was once applied for registration by a natural person named Yang. However, the application has been rejected.

Currently, it remains unclear how Apple will address the trademark issue concerning Vision Pro in China. Perhaps they will need to consider renaming the product before its launch.

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