
New Patent for Apple Watch: Identify Different Straps, Monitor More Health Indicators of Users

On May 31st, Gizcoupon reported that according to a recent disclosure by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), Apple had been granted a patent related to the Apple Watch. This patent allows for the integration of NFC, RFID, and Bluetooth components within the watch band, enabling specific functionalities.

In the vision of Apple, the future of the Apple Watch will be able to “identify” the type, model, color, size, or other characteristics of the watch band. Furthermore, the watch face will automatically adjust and switch modes based on the different watch bands.

Additionally, Apple plans to incorporate various sensors such as NFC and RFID into the Apple Watch bands. These sensors will be capable of detecting light, pressure, touch, motion, temperature, and other “health indicators.” In addition to monitoring heart rate, the future Apple Watch will also be able to detect signs of fever or other conditions in the wearer.

This latest development has generated significant interest among technology enthusiasts and Apple fans worldwide. The integration of NFC, RFID, and other sensors into the watch band holds the potential to revolutionize how we interact with smartwatches, making them more versatile and responsive to our needs.

Gizcoupon attaches a new patent for the Apple Watch link here, and interested users can click to read it.

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